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this article misses a lot of key points. you need the microflora during these cleaning events to be kept withn useful limits. saw tooth wave up down temp shows body in control. its always a mistake to force reduction in temp because then there is no control mechanism. most pathogens die at relatively low increases. when they reduce under temperature they don't mutate.

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How do you know if it is bacterial or viral? What if you leave it too late? I think these are the concerns. At what point a fever has to be reported to the docs. Feels like when they are hard to wake or have a problematic rash could be too late? Are there any other hints as to what should trigger a visit to the doc?

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you dont. its not the point.

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hydration, not fretting and a calm environment is what the child needs. non disappearing rash needs help view. vast majority need simple nursing. NICE 2009 guidelines on fever 'dont give Calpol to a child with a fever it causes more problems

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